A fundamental problem in creating an educational website can be finding stock images that are cheap or free and perhaps more importantly, royalty-free. The following are some resources for cheap/free images with unrestrictive liscensing.
Images of UNC Campus, students, etc.
If you’re looking for a catalogue of images of UNC, check out images of Carolina, a collection by the staff of Endeavors magazine. Some of the images were taken by Dan Sears, the offical University photographer.
- Most images have a high resolution TIF image, which can be easier to manipulate than the smaller jpeg files (even though you’ll want to convert to jpeg for use on the web).
- To access the collection basket, type “guest” into the Name field.
If you have images of your own you would like to share, please submit them and help this resource grow!
Other image resources
Images of UNC and especially the Health Affairs campus are available from UNC Medical Illustration and Photography http://www.med.unc.edu/medill. Medical Illustrations images aren’t free as they are a recharge center, but they have a variety of campus images, aerials, campus buildings, etc. Some samples are available to browse at http://medillphotos.photoreflect.com. Click the UNC Campus Images link on the right.
I generally start at http://creativecommons.org/image/ or http://www.istockphoto.com/ when looking for images. iStockPhoto images aren’t free, but are royalty-free (I don’t know exactly how one would use this resource in a University setting). Another good source of free images is the Inertia Stock Exchange at http://www.sxc.hu/.