Steve Segedy will lead a conversation on implementing a web-based forum to the Webmasters site. A forum can be a useful tool for the group to share ideas, development resources, presentation topics, etc. We’ll discuss the software options, such as bbpress, forum categories, and tips for building a successful online forum.

Forums can be difficult to get rolling. One blogger says:

If you have decided to add an Online Forum to your website to generate traffic and interest, simply adding the software is not enough to get people to participate. In fact, one of the most difficult aspects of starting a forum is getting visitors to become members and then start posting topics and comments.

Just like in real life social interactions, a successful forum is one that is popular. You need to get the ball rolling to induce others to follow your lead. The more postings you can get, the more people’s interest will be piqued.

Date: Thursday, Sept.3
Location: Graduate Student Center
Time: 2:00 – 3:00